Welcome to Angel Fairy Healing!
It is my mission to help you to raise your vibration and connect with the healing magic of the universe!
As an angel reader, fairy intuitive and energy healer, I offer recorded classes, live sessions and other services and resources to help others to better their lives through spiritual healing.
Angel Soul Therapy Healing Sessions!
Single Angel Soul Therapy Sessions:
Angel Soul Therapy sessions can help us remove blocks and heal all areas of our life. Andrea and her angel team will work with you to assist you with anything from healing grief to finding courage to move forward towards our dreams! Andrea always works for your highest good and brings a healing vibration of love that transforms the body, mind and spirit.
Receive higher guidance and universal energy downloads based on your soul needs at this time in your life. These sessions are tailored to meet your needs depending on what they are. Usually we will work on a mixture of personal healing and manifesting.
Do you have questions about the classes or sessions that I offer? Free consultation call or email chat with Andrea. Email here at andrea@angelfairyhealing.com with any questions or to book a call.
Angelic Quantum Leap Meditation
Angel Life Makeover Podcast
Listen on your favorite app Audible, iTunes, or Spotify to Angel Life Makeover. Subscribe and never miss an episode. Over 10 years of episodes are available.
Watch my Youtube channel with lots of healing videos.