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Angel Light Healer Intensive Live Online Class

Recorded April 2023

Connect with your angel guides. Consciously communicate with the angel realm.
Learn and practice powerful angel energy healing techniques.
Explore how you are destined to work with the angel realm as a lightworker.

🌸 Part 1 Friday Learn about your guardian angels, archangels, seraphim and all of the different types of angels.

Explore how the angels work with us. Practice connecting with and feeling angels. Release persecution and other blocks to your angel communication. Group angel attunement to your angel healing team. Connect on a deeper level with your angels than ever before! Practice connecting with your angels until it becomes natural. Angel Aura colors and angel specialties.

🌸 Part 2 Saturday Group angel healing to awaken to angel communication and guidance.

Learn and practice doing angel readings for yourself and others. Learn about different types of angel readings such as career, life purpose and mediumship. Meet your angel reading guides and start to get messages from them. Awaken your psychic powers for channeling angels.

🌸 Part 3 Learn angel energy healing tools such as visualizations, aura scanning, curse removal, angel fire, and angel clearing.

Journey to the angel realm and go to the angel healing temples. Practice angel prayer healing and various angel healing energy techniques that you can add to your angel healing sessions. Combine angel energy healing with angel readings.

🌸 Part 4 Awaken to your angel healing mission and talents.

Get clear about your authentic gifts and your souls passion. Open up to more powerful co-creation with the angel Realm. Get clear about your lightworker mission.


About the teacher Andrea Dombecki.

With over 20 years experience channeling healing and guidance from the angel realm, Andrea is passionate about awakening others to their angelic healing lineage. She created this class because she sees so much value in developing a relationship with the angels, especially for people who are psychic, spiritually gifted, lightworkers or even incarnated angels! The angels are at the forefront of her spiritual work as trusted guides. She is excited to connect with like-minded soul family who want to explore their relationship with the angels as healing guides and mentors. Channeling angels has been such gift in her life that she loves to help others awaken to this ability. Andrea was a psychic child and started channeling angels over 20 years ago. Then about 14 years ago she start do professional angel readings and classes. She felt a strong call to share the messages of the angels with humanity. She loves to combine angelic prayer. angel energy healing and angel channeling all together as a way to work with angels. You can contact her at with any questions.

This course is for all levels. Whether you would like to deepen your relationship with your angels for self-healing or to use in your healing practice.


My intention is that during this 3 day angelic healing container we dive deep to reawaken and activate our angel healing lineage.

Class Schedule- All classes are done live on Zoom and are recorded. 8 hours of class.
Friday April 28th -2-4pm CST

Saturday April 29th Morning Session 11am-1pm CST break then Afternoon Session 2-4pm CST

Sunday April 30th 12-2PM CST.

Class includes:

🌸 8 hours of live interactive class time. all recorded.

🌸 Pdf workbook.

🌸 Additional meditations Awakening our angelic connection. Angel energy healing. Angel channeling and life purpose.

🌸 Angel Soul Therapy Mentoring session with Andrea for 30 minutes. Can be done on phone zoom or email only with questions. Ideally done the week before or the week after the class.

🌸 Certification of Completion for 8 hours included.


Payment plans available.

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Thank you for visiting my site dedicated to the healing and evolution of humanity! I am excited to share my healing and channeling abilities with all of you and to help you gain greater awareness along your journey. Disclaimer: Please be advised of the following: The information contained on this website and accompanying blogs including ideas, suggestions, techniques, social media postings, methods, classes, private sessions, videos, articles, and other materials are educational and are provided only as general information. It is not professional medical or psychological advice.  Transmission of the information presented on this website is not intended to take place of your healthcare. Your health care is your full responsibility. I also make it very clear that I am a consultant. Ultimately it is your job to use your own discernment with regards to your healthcare and lifestyle.

© 2022 by Andrea Dombecki from Angel Fairy Healing

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