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Angelic Connection 3 Month Intensive

You are invited to the:

3 Month Angelic Self Mastery Program

Class Paid in Full $333(save $50)

Payment plan $128 each month 3 months

Contact Andrea at for more info or to ask about the class or packages. More session and class package options are below.


Angelic Self Mastery Angelic healing and self-help! Spend time with your angels in a healing setting! Strengthen your angelic connection for personal peace. Activate your gifts of intuition healing and manifesting hand in hand with your angels!


September 5- November 21st

Thursdays 6pm CST- 2-3 live recorded classes per month. 7 total- All live classes are 1 hour and are recorded.


The angels keep telling me that a beautiful connection with them is the path to self-mastery. This is linked to ascension or personal evolution. I find that the three major self-mastery aspects are mastering our intuition, healing and manifesting abilities. I am excited to dive deep into these topics as a group. The angels love to help us with these gifts.

This class will be focused on angelic connection, self-help, mindset and self-mastery! Unlocking our higher state of being including empowerment, self-love and true alignment with soul destiny! Inner peace and a strong angelic connection are our intentions.


This is for people who are seeking more peace, joy and empowerment as a human. Exploration of how to live in their highest vibration. We will also be exploring our human super powers which assist us in navigating the path of our lives with ease. Work with angels and open their heart even more to angel miracles and co-creation.


We will be working with our angel guides closely as we dive into mindset, inner wisdom and awakening our super powers. It is time to discover who you truly are and unlock your magical relationship with life!

During class we will be primarily working with our angels as healing mentors who will hold loving space for us to learn and discover our true power.


We will be connecting with our guardian angels, ancestral angels, archangels, the angels of ascension and more!

7 live recorded class Zoom sessions, additional worksheets, and meditations. Group energy healing. Online portal with all class materials. Come live or just watch recordings.


Live dates are as follows:

September 5th, 19th

October, 3rd, 24th

November 7th, 14th 21st


Class Schedule:

Intuition Segment September 5th, 19th


September 5th- Class 1. Angelic Connection Class welcome. Connecting with our angel teams and setting intentions. Looking at our self-mastery map. Awakening intuition. Understanding intuition vs. mind programming. The field of knowledge all around us(the Akash). Angels help to heighten our intuition. Look at blocks to intuition. Lack of confidence, overload of mental energy, filled with fear and disconnected from self. Connecting with Archangel Gabriel and activating our true birthright of higher knowing.


September 19th Class 3 Aspects of Intuition. How it works? Why it was oppressed within us? How to re-awaken our intuition. Remembering our intuitive super powers and activating them again. Practicing intuitive channeling. Conscious use of intuition. Downloading messages and energies. Communication beyond words. Empathic intuition. Ancestral angels help us understand the channeling gifts of our ancestors.



Angel Healing Segment October 3rd, 24th


October 3rd Class 3. Self-healing. Know thy self and what heals us. Activating our innate healing abilities. Creating safe space for healing. Archangel Raphael and the healing angels will work with us to move beyond what we think we know and into the greater knowledge of healing in the universe. How we heal. Ways to heal. Getting our own healing connection flowing.


October 24th Class 4. Healing maps and practices. Reading the needs of the body, mind and spirit. Angel reiki attunement. Angel language and exploring and attuning to different types of angel healing. Aura, chakras, Soul Wounds Karma and more factors that affect healing.



Manifesting Segment November 7th, 14th 21st


November 7th Class 5. Manifesting and evolution. We are empowered creators as children of the new earth. The Manifestation and Abundance angels help us to understand our place as leaders and light workers. We are ushering in a new higher vibration earth society together. What is our greatest alignment with creation our reality. Getting clear about what we want. Intentions.


November 14th the Class 6. Aspects of manifestation. Alignment, joy, destiny and high vibes. Manifestation practice as a group. Working with the rainbow ray and the crystalline structures of time space reality. Spirit into matter, mind into form, quantum doorways. Anchoring your intentions. Manifesting with energy flows and chakras. Programing aura.


November 21st Class 7-. Final Angel Connection Mastery Class wrap up. Integrating all of the teachings and setting intentions for the future! We will be working with Archangel Ariel to bring heaven to earth.


3 Month Angelic Connection Self Mastery Program

Class Paid in Full $333(save $50)

Payment plan $128 each month 3 months

Contact Andrea at for more info or to ask about the class or packages. More session and class package options are below.

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Angelic Connection
3 Month Intensive

3 month class

September- Intuition

October- Healing

November- Manifesting



Angelic Connection
3 Month Intensive
Basic Class & Session Package

3 month class

+ 3 Angel Soul Therapy 1 on 1 sessions

+ one energy healing session



Angelic Connection 3 Month Intensive

VIP Class & Session Package

3 month class

+ 6 Angel Soul Therapy

1 on 1 sessions

+ 3 energy healing sessions


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