1 hour Angel Soul Therapy Session
Angel Soul Therapy sessions can help us remove blocks and heal all areas of our life. Andrea and her angel team will work with you to assist you with anything from healing grief to finding courage to move forward towards our dreams! Andrea always works for your highest good and brings a healing vibration of love that transforms the body, mind and spirit.
During your session will get channeled guidance, heal karma and bring in healing energy from the universe to revitalize you. During an intuitive reading session Andrea will work with your spirit guides to bring in healing guidance and energy for you to bless your life. Work on all areas of life- calling in energy healing, karmic healing, higher knowing, and soul healing. This is a blessed time for you to really nourish yourself and deeply connect with the higher healing energies of the universe. Identify which areas of your life need healing. We will proceed with different types of healing as needed such as karmic healing, soul retrieval, deep clearing and energy healing. Receive higher guidance and universal energy downloads based on your soul needs at this time in your life. These sessions are tailored to meet your needs depending on what they are. Usually we will work on a mixture of personal healing and manifesting.
1 Hour Intuitive Reading is done by Phone or Zoom.
After you have purchased a reading Andrea will contact you to set up a time that works for you. You can also choose a pre-recorded reading option if you don't have time to be on the phone for your reading- you can submit 10 questions or comments for your reading and she will address them during the channeling. Andrea will channel the reading and send you an mp3.
You can email Andrea at andreadombecki@gmail.com Please make sure your Paypal email address is the email address that you would like to be contacted at otherwise please send a note letting her know which email address to use. You can also email me directly at andreadombecki@gmail.com