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1 hour Fairy Soul Therapy Session

SKU 00203
Product Details

Fairy Soul Therapy sessions can help us to connect with the healing power of the fairy realm. Andrea and her fairy team will work with you to assist you with anything from healing grief to finding courage to move forward towards your dreams! Andrea always works for your highest good and brings a healing vibration of love that transforms the body, mind and spirit. Fairies specialize is heart healing awakening joy forgiveness, healing your inner child, connect with your creativity. Awaken your magical relationship with nature, animals and children.

During your session I will get channeled guidance from the fairies and help you connect deeply with your fairy guides. Awakening joy and happiness bringing more sweetness into your career, environment, relationships and more. During a Fairy reading session Andrea will work with your Fairy guides to bring in healing guidance and energy for you to bless your life. Work on all areas of life- calling in the beautiful magical healing energies of the fairy realm to bless you with healing. This is a blessed time for you to really nourish yourself and deeply connect with the fairy realm. Identify which areas of your life need healing. Usually we will work on a mixture of personal healing and manifesting. Many of us have had our fairy connection severed at some point and it is very healing to reconnect with our fairy guides.

1 Hour Intuitive Fairy Reading is done by phone, Zoom or recording.

You can also choose an mp3 recording option where you can send up to 8 questions to receive healing and guidance from the fairies. I will record my answers and send you a link to stream it or download.

After you have purchased an angel reading Andrea will contact you to set up a time that works for you. You can also email Andrea at Please make sure your Paypal email address is the email address that you would like to be contacted at otherwise please send a note letting her know which email address to use. You can also email me directly at

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1 hour Fairy Soul Therapy Session
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