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Angel Soul Therapy Mentoring 3 Month Package

SKU 00277
$1 800.00
2 available
Product Details

Experience 3 Months of Angel Soul Therapy

Are you looking for big healing, change and energetic support?
The 3 Month Angel Soul Therapy package is tailored to you. Usually we will work on a mixture of personal healing, manifesting, and processing.

Each month you will receive 2 phone readings, 1 energy healing. I will stay connected to you energetic holding space for your evolution. You can also message me anytime between sessions.

Total 6 Phone reading sessions and 3 distant angel energy healing sessions. You can have bi weekly phone sessions. It is you choice about how you like your session work.

This package also includes your choice of specialty sessions as needed such as Angel Soul Retrieval, Rainbow DNA activation, Past life healing and more. This is an all inclusive package tailored to meet your needs. You will have full access to my healing tools and knowledge.

During the 3 months we will stay energetically connected. I will hold space for your healing and evolution.

As a healer and reader with over 15 years experience I will pull from my energetic tools to help support you on all levels. I will also work with my team of angels and other spirit guides. Your spirit guides and higher self will also come through to connect with you to bring healing on a deep level.

Angel Soul Therapy can help us remove blocks and heal all areas of our life.

I will work with my angel team to assist you with anything from healing grief to finding courage to move forward towards your dreams! I always work for your highest good and bring a healing vibration of love that transforms the body, mind and spirit. During your sessions I will get channeled guidance, heal karma and bring in healing energy from the universe to revitalize you. I will work with your spirit guides to bring in healing guidance and energy to bless your life.

We work on all areas of life, calling in energy healing, karmic healing, higher knowing, and soul healing. This is a blessed time for you to really nourish yourself and deeply connect with the higher healing energies of the universe. Identify which areas of your life need healing. We will proceed with different types of healing as needed such as past life healing, soul retrieval, deep clearing and energy healing. You will receive higher guidance and downloads of higher consciousness based on your souls needs at this time in your life.

I recommend this Angel Soul Therapy package if you feel like you are ready for intense healing and introspection such as if:

*You are going through major changes such as career change, divorce, loss of loved one and you need extra support.

*You are having a spiritual awakening.... your gifts are spiritual activating and you need extra support to feel comfortable with who you are becoming and how it is changing your life.

* You are having emotional or physical struggles and you need extra healing to help you to walk through your soul challenges with grace and faith. You require support to connect with higher healing soul frequencies consistently.

*You are healer and/or artist wanting to show up in the world in a bigger way to do your work and align with your true purpose.

Classes and meditations are also included as needed. This means you can choose from my large library of classes and meditations if you would like. I can also suggest special ones. I have all kinds of classes on self-healing and awakening your healing gifts.

Experience 3 months of sessions.

*If you can't make the live session some weeks you can choose from email readings, recorded reading or distance energy healing for that week. *Up to 2 complete session cancellations allowed if you can't make a live session and don't want the other options. I will extend 3 weeks only past the 3 months if needed.

*Package is only for one person, cannot be shared.

This is a time where I will stay connected to you and help to do soul healing for your highest good.

I will work with your higher self and spirit guides to bring in consistent healing as needed. If you are thinking this may be right for you I also offer a free phone consultation sample session if needed.

Contact me at for more information.

Total $1800- or $635 each month for 3 months. Message me at for payment plan option.

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Angel Soul Therapy Mentoring 3 Month Package
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Thank you for visiting my site dedicated to the healing and evolution of humanity! I am excited to share my healing and channeling abilities with all of you and to help you gain greater awareness along your journey. Disclaimer: Please be advised of the following: The information contained on this website and accompanying blogs including ideas, suggestions, techniques, social media postings, methods, classes, private sessions, videos, articles, and other materials are educational and are provided only as general information. It is not professional medical or psychological advice.  Transmission of the information presented on this website is not intended to take place of your healthcare. Your health care is your full responsibility. I also make it very clear that I am a consultant. Ultimately it is your job to use your own discernment with regards to your healthcare and lifestyle.

© 2024 by Andrea Dombecki from Angel Fairy Healing

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