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10 Days of Angel Healing

Writer: Andrea DombeckiAndrea Dombecki

Updated: Mar 28, 2020

Day 1 Angel/Heart Connection

Angel Lesson: Feeling our angels works better than thinking of them. To feel your angels around you on a heart level raises the vibration of your being, giving you an automatic healing. Today I would like you to open your heart and energy field to the energy of your angels throughout your day. Whenever you think of it practice this angel heart connection exercise. Please post about your experiences in the thread below.

Exercise: Take a deep breath. Touch your heart. Close your eyes. Take time to feel the angels with your heart. Be present in your heart chakra and feel it as a large energy center. Let go of your mind and be present in your body. You can visualize an angel in your mind’s eye or think about angels. Stay aware of your heart and body so that you can feel instead of think. Intend for your aura to be open to the energy of the angels. Your heart is your tool for communicating on an energetic level.

Angel Prayer: Dearest angels help me to open my heart to your loving consciousness. Bless me throughout the day with your loving presence. Help me to live in your consciousness of love and peace.

Day 2 Acknowledging Fear/Cultivating Faith

Angel Lesson: Fear is the number one thing that causes stress and disconnects us from the peace of the universe. The angels would like us to honestly look at our fears today. Bring in love and faith to face each one.

Exercise: Take a deep breath. Feel your angels by your side supporting you. Mentally ask yourself: What do I fear? With love and compassion honestly make a mental list. Send love to each fear. Focus on bringing in faith and healing. If a fear feels very intense take a few minutes to send love and angels to it. List all fears and replace them with faith. For example If I fear for my future it is replaced with a trust that my future is happy and blessed. Focus on building ideas of faith and peace in your mind.

Angel Prayer: Dearest angels help me to replace my fears with faith today. I know that I am loved and supported in the universe. Angels help me to raise my consciousness up to a place beyond fear. Please surround me with love and peace as I bring healing to all of my fears

Day 3 Acknowledging Forgiveness

Angel Lesson: As we bring light and forgiveness to things in our life we feel an alleviation of stress. Resentment, blame and hatred are considered the norm in our society. These things cause tension in our life and even block the flow of good things.

Exercise: Take a deep breath. Feel your angels by your side supporting you. Mentally ask yourself: What do I need forgive? Allow your emotions but then look deeper to a place beyond them to oneness. Think I choose peace and to Iet go. Mentally send love to all people and situations. Affirm now that nothing can stand in the way of your peace and well-being. Bring in the feeling of being at peace with all. Recognize that you are free to enjoy your life now!

Angel Prayer: Dearest angels help me to forgive and bless all that I am not at peace with. Help me to cultivate patterns of love and well-being. Help me to easily let go of all things that do not work for me. Help me to remember that nothing can separate me from God's infinite love.

Day 4 Angelic Perception

Angel Lesson:

Angels only perceive the loving truth of reality. They can see through all illusions to God’s ultimate perfection everywhere. They are the embodiment of unconditional love and higher consciousness

Exercise: Imagine that you are an angel. How would you perceive the world? Other people? Yourself? The future? The past?

Angel Prayer: Dearest angels please allow me to perceive the world as you do. Help me to have enlightened vision, an open heart, infinite compassion and faith. Help me to see the world through your loving perspective.

Day 5 Ancestral Healing

Angel Lesson: We can have learned emotional patterns and belief systems from our family. Our ancestral history is in our genes, DNA and auric blueprint. Many have come into this life to heal the ancestry. To bring in more a higher dimensional patterns of existence. The spiritual healing work that you do on yourself actually helps your ancestors. We are beyond time and space.

Exercise: Take a deep breath. Connect your heart with the angels that are assisting you. Set your intention to pray for your ancestors. Ask the angels to heal all ancestral issues. Send healing energy back to your ancestral line. Watch as all are restored to peace and wholeness. Breathe and let go during this process. Your are surrounded with angels who are holding a space of healing.

Angel Prayer: May the angels watch over my entire family in past, present and future. I send angels to bless all of my family members through all of their challenges. I invoke love and angel blessing into my entire family and ancestry.

Day 6 Empowerment

Angel Lesson: You are a vehicle of divine power! Feel the light of your soul within. You are infinite.You have all the power that you need to navigate your life!

Exercise:Take a deep breath. Connect your heart with the angels that are assisting you. Ask Archangel Michael specifically to help you to radiate divine confidence and power. Feel your true confidence deep within growing. Intend on bringing back your power from wherever you left it. Maybe it was left in a bad relationship or situation. Send love to all that now. Know that you are safe and empowered now!

Angel Prayer: Dearest angels please help me to step into my power. Please help me to be a pure vehicle of the power of divine love. Help me to use my power to create a better world for all

Day 7 Aura Awareness Angel Lesson: Our aura is the energy field around our body. When we are happy and healthy our aura glows with good energy!

Exercise: Take a deep breath. Connect your heart with the angels that are assisting you. Scan your aura with your mind. Notice where you are holding stress. Focus on letting go of the stress and filling your aura with angel light.

Angel Prayer: Dearest angels please assist me in filling my aura with beautiful angel energy now

Day 8 Self Care

Angel Lesson: You are meant to enjoy life! The angels remind you to make yourself and your happiness a priority. It is good to check in with your spirit! There may be simple things that you can do regularly to increase your joy and nurture yourself.

Exercise: Practice communicating with your spirit! Ask yourself “What would you like? What would make you happy? How are you? Angel Prayer: Dearest angels please help me to be in tune with my spirit and to make my self care a priority

Andrea Dombecki

Day 9 You are the Light

Angel Lesson:

The angels ask you to focus on the divine light within you. Feel the top of your head opening like a flower. Feel divine light streaming into your being and then out into your world! You have the power to radiate light everywhere you go.

Exercise: Practice cultivating your inner light! Remind yourself that you are a creator of goodness

and love! Intend to be a beacon of love and light today. Ask Archangel Raphael to assist you in this


Angel Prayer: Angels please awaken my consciousness to the divine light within me and around me. Help me to be a light that helps awaken divine light in the world. Thank you angels

Day 10 Creating Heaven on Earth

Angel Lesson: Through our hearts and minds we can connect with the consciousness of heaven. It is a state of endless love that is always there for us!

Exercise: Take a deep breath and connect your heart with the angels that are assisting you. Now feel and visual your heart opening up to heaven. See a light growing in your heart. This is the light of heaven. Intend on focus on awakening the light of heaven in your life.

Angel Prayer: Dearest angels please help me to play my part in the heavenly divine plan. Help me to open my heart to heaven here on earth. Thank you angels.

Andrea is a an angel healer, fairy Intuitive, author and artist. Would you like to stay connected? Join Andrea’s newsletter to stay updated on new classes, blogs videos, specials and more.

If you would like a private session you can check out Andrea’s offerings here:

If you would like to go deeper checkout Angel fairy Healing school which has a variety of classes on Angels, fairy, unicorns self-help and more.



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Thank you for visiting my site dedicated to the healing and evolution of humanity! I am excited to share my healing and channeling abilities with all of you and to help you gain greater awareness along your journey. Disclaimer: Please be advised of the following: The information contained on this website and accompanying blogs including ideas, suggestions, techniques, social media postings, methods, classes, private sessions, videos, articles, and other materials are educational and are provided only as general information. It is not professional medical or psychological advice.  Transmission of the information presented on this website is not intended to take place of your healthcare. Your health care is your full responsibility. I also make it very clear that I am a consultant. Ultimately it is your job to use your own discernment with regards to your healthcare and lifestyle.

© 2024 by Andrea Dombecki from Angel Fairy Healing

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