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Writer's pictureAndrea Dombecki

Saturday Journaling with the Angels and Fairies.

Updated: Jul 1, 2021

Let's do some Saturday morning journaling and prayers.

First slow down and connect with your angel and fairy guides. Close your eyes, release your mind and ask them to come closer. Feel them. Look at them with your minds eye. Feel their joyous and loving presence. Feel your heart connected to them. Who is with you? Do they want to share anything?

Ok let's start journaling with your angels.

Ask the angels to surround you with love and comfort. What are you grateful for? What is going well for you? Thank God for all of the blessings! Celebrate the good things. Ask your angels to show you things that you might be missing. Ask them to help you see a different perspective. Identify where you need to grow in peace and faith. Pray for light and strength to overcome any challenges. Ask for angel advice for anything that is causing stress and fear. Feel the angels with you helping you to shift your vibration. Let the light in. Set future goals with love and bless your future! Write about your glorious future. Plant seeds of good things. What do you want in your life? What do they angels have to say? Ask them to bless your goals. Bless everyone you know! Make a list of all of the people in your life. Open your heart to love, forgiveness, compassion, and mercy for all who you are not at peace with. Make a forgiveness list. Ask the angels about anything that you can bring into your life today to raise your vibration. For example a specific activity or maybe a book or movie that will shift your consciousness.

Asking millions of angels to help you to awaken more love, peace and happiness into your life.

OK now let's journal with the fairies

Asking fairies to bring love and magic to your Saturday! Notice who is with you. What do they look like and feel like? What do they want to share with you?

Do the fairies have any advice on stress relief? Bringing more joy? Can you commit to more play time? To expressing your creativity? How will you do that?

Do they want you to go anywhere in nature? Do they want you to garden more, get more plants or visit a garden? Do they have any messages about your pets?

They also can help you get along better with family members and friends. What do they have to say about that?

Can you be more kind flexible and intuitive with your interactions? They can help us open our heart to others.

The fairies are helping you also to release resentment and burdens in your life. This blocks our joy. What do you need to let go of? Can you shift your attitude?

Thank you Fairies for helping us to uplift our vibe today! I am ready for a great Saturday!

by Andrea Dombecki

Andrea is an angel healer, fairy Intuitive, author and artist.

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If you would like to go deeper check out Angel Fairy Healing School which has a variety of classes on angels, fairy, unicorns, self-help and more.

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