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Angel Soul Therapy sessions can help us remove blocks and heal all areas of our life.


During an intuitive Angel reading session I will work with your angels to bring in healing guidance and energy to bless your life. I will work with my angel team to assist you with anything from healing grief to finding courage to move forward towards your dreams! I always works for your highest good and bring a healing vibration of love that transforms the body, mind and spirit. During your session you will get channeled guidance, heal karma and I will bring in healing energy from the universe to revitalize you.


This is a blessed time for you to really nourish yourself and deeply connect with the higher healing energies of the universe. 


  • We will call in energy healing, karmic healing, higher knowing, and soul healing.

  • We will Identify which areas of your life need healing.

  • We will proceed with different types of healing as needed such as karmic healing, soul retrieval, deep clearing and energy healing.

  • You will receive higher angelic guidance and universal energy downloads based on your soul needs at this time in your life.

  • These sessions are tailored to meet your needs depending on what they are. Usually we will work on a mixture of personal healing, processing and manifesting.


I have around 20 years of experience as an energy healer and intuitive reader.


I work primarily with the angel realm because that is my healer lineage. I trust the higher vibrational love and healing of the angelic realm. I feel very at home with the angels and I trust their loving energy. I become an angel reader because I have received profound healing by working with them. I was called to offer that for others. I  love to hold a space of angel healing for transformation. 


Angel Soul Therapy sessions are tailored to meet your needs.


We dive deep into your soul challenges and support you in evolving with grace. As a healer and reader with vast experience I will pull from my energetic tools to help support you on all levels. I will also work with my team of angels and your other spirit guides. Your higher self will also come through to connect with you to bring healing on a deep level. Angel Soul Therapy can help us remove blocks and heal all areas of our life. I trust the angels to bring deep gentle loving healing to boost luck and restore faith- Andrea Dombecki-


Angel Soul Therapy Session offerings


1 Hour Intuitive Reading is done by Phone or Zoom. I also offer recorded reading options. Submit your questions(up to 10) and receive a recorded mp3 reading.(45 minutes or more)


Purchase here and email me to schedule:

Or go through my scheduler directly:


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 Are you interested in deep healing and change? I offer different types of healing session session. Explore your patterns, call in higher vibes, connect with your true self, your spirit guides and more. Past live healing,  Angel Healing, Fairy healing, Womb Healing, Twin Flame Healing etc!

Find out more.

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Andrea will work with the angels of soul retrieval to help you to retrieve your full soul power. Through trauma and fear on earth our soul can fragment. This means that our full joy energy and presence is not available to us. The angels will create a healing space for you to gracefully integrate into your full soul light

Find out more.

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Angel Soul Therapy Mentoring

Available in 1 or 3 month container.


Includes weekly sessions and energy healing. Session can be live on Zoom, phone or recorded. Mentoring packages also include your choice of specialty sessions as needed such as Angel Soul Retrieval, Rainbow DNA activation, past life healing and more. This is an all-inclusive package tailored to meet your needs. You will have full access to my healing tools and knowledge. I have around 20 years of experience as an energy healer and intuitive reader.

Angel Soul Therapy packages are tailored to meet your needs depending on what they are. Usually we will work on a mixture of personal healing, manifesting, and processing. We dive deep into your soul challenges and support you in evolving with grace.


During the time period we will stay energetically connected. I will hold space for your healing and evolution. You can find out more HERE or email me at


A session with Andrea is like talking with your sister but with a higher level of consciousness bringing in beautiful angel and fairy healing to uplift your consciousness and vibration. Her heart felt words and perspective ease the process of anything you are going through. She is a teacher, guide and a healer in one. She’s helped me tremendously through the years. She is inspiring and helpful for any area of your life from relationships to career or your spiritual journey. Love her oxoxo

- Nina from West Virginia

In the past couple years my life went though a lot of changes bad and good! Andrea went with me though them all. She made me feel safe, loved and never judged me. I couldn’t have done those past couple years without her support. I can’t say enough about her. Andrea is so very kind and gentle, I have laugh and cried a lot of tears with her. Thank you angels for putting Andrea in my life!- Dawn from West Virginia

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Thank you for visiting my site dedicated to the healing and evolution of humanity! I am excited to share my healing and channeling abilities with all of you and to help you gain greater awareness along your journey. Disclaimer: Please be advised of the following: The information contained on this website and accompanying blogs including ideas, suggestions, techniques, social media postings, methods, classes, private sessions, videos, articles, and other materials are educational and are provided only as general information. It is not professional medical or psychological advice.  Transmission of the information presented on this website is not intended to take place of your healthcare. Your health care is your full responsibility. I also make it very clear that I am a consultant. Ultimately it is your job to use your own discernment with regards to your healthcare and lifestyle.

© 2024 by Andrea Dombecki from Angel Fairy Healing

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